How to aim down iron sights
How to aim down iron sights

Use gun blacking or pencil lead to blacken. Make sure your scope is properly sighted before firing and that your front sight post is blackened and matte, not reflective.X Research source Make sure that your eye is the proper distance back from the scope, far enough to avoid recoil and aligned properly so there are no "shadows" in the scope's vision. If you're using a telescopic sight, the principle will be essentially the same.Reposition your neck slightly if you need to. If you've got good cheek-to-stock weld, the sighting post should align in the aperture without much difficulty.Before you worry about your target, you need to align the bead in the crook to ensure that the rifle is "sighted." Any error here in alignment multiplies exponentially when the bullet leaves the gun. A basic aperture-sighted rifle (i.e., there's no scope on the rifle) – often called "iron sights" – consists of two parts, a front sight post or "bead" near the tip of the rifle's barrel and an aperture or "crook" about halfway up the barrel. It's deeply frustrating trying to focus on shooting when the gun is swaying like it's made out of jello.Align the rifle sight. This is what i've been trying to say, holding down the hold breath/right mouse button should lock the view. mouse btn' (RMB) Make sure that when you assign it you do hold it though.

how to aim down iron sights

After that, assign 'Optics temporary' with 'Hold sec. I thought it was a great suggestion by Jason-Alaska. go to options>controls>weapons, then find and clear/delete the buttons for: 'Optics'.

how to aim down iron sights

Ideally, if this were implemented it would mean that 'hold breath' centers ironsight view as well as blocks out TrackIR input on all axes except leaning. This issue was raised in that thread because with TrackIR after the demo version, you're stuck with freelooking in ironsights and it makes it VERY hard to center your view quickly in the heat of battle because it's so sensitive.

how to aim down iron sights

A good key to use, because when you're holding your breath you are going to want to fire shortly after so looking around in ironsights while holding breath is null and void. Pressing the 'hold breath' key should lock your vision forward and center. Someone there has come up with a very good suggestion on what could be done here. Regarding the issue of freelook in ironsights - check out my TrackIR post.

How to aim down iron sights